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Galopp- och travsporten reagerar på attacken på Ukraina

3 mars 2022 14:52

Med anledning av Rysslands militära attack mot Ukraina har både galoppsportens och travsportens europeiska förbund gjort uttalanden.

Rysk ansökan stoppas av galoppsportens europeiska förbund

Svensk Galopp är en av 26 medlemsländer i EMHF (the European and Mediterranean Horseracing Federation). Även Ryssland har ansökt om medlemskap men EMHF har bestämt sig för att stoppa ansökan tills vidare. I ett pressmeddelande uttrycker EMHF också sitt stöd för den ukrainska jockeyklubben som tidigare var medlemmar.

EMHF:s originaltext på engelska

Press Release, Wednesday March 2, 2022

The European and Mediterranean Horseracing Federation (EMHF) is a federation of the governing authorities for Thoroughbred Horseracing across the European and Mediterranean region. The EMHF recently received application from the Russian National Racing Association, seeking membership. This application will not be further progressed at this time.

The EMHF expresses its concern and sympathy for our former member and colleague, the Ukrainian Jockey Club.

EMHF:s originaltext på engelska

Press Release, Wednesday March 2, 2022

The European and Mediterranean Horseracing Federation (EMHF) is a federation of the governing authorities for Thoroughbred Horseracing across the European and Mediterranean region. The EMHF recently received application from the Russian National Racing Association, seeking membership. This application will not be further progressed at this time.

The EMHF expresses its concern and sympathy for our former member and colleague, the Ukrainian Jockey Club.

Europeiska travunionen stänger av ryska företrädare

Inom travet har UET (Union Europeenne du Trot/the European Trotting Union) beslutat att stänga av företrädarna för det ryska travförbundet från deltagande i UET-kommitteernas arbete samt alla ryska företrädare från att delta i mästerskap som anordnas av UET. Dessutom kommer UET diskutera möjligheterna att helt utesluta det ryska travförbundet som medlem.

UET:s originaltext på engelska

Press Release, Wednesday March 2, 2022

In response to the current developments in the Ukraine and in support of our invited member Ukraine, the UET Board has decided to suspend, with immediate effect, the participation of the representatives of the Russian Trotting Federation (CTA) in the work of the UET Commissions as well as the participation of representatives of Russia in all the competitions organised by UET, until a new decision.

On 12th March 2022, during its meeting at the Cagnes-sur-Mer racecourse (France), the UET Board will discuss the possibilities to submit to the UET General Assembly the exclusion of the Russian Trotting Federation as a UET member.

The President of the UET, Mrs Marjaana ALUVIUHKOLA, and the member countries of the UET Board assure Mr Alexander VOROBIY, President of the Owner’s Ukrainian Association of Trotters and all Ukrainian socio-professionals of her entire support.

UET:s originaltext på engelska

Press Release, Wednesday March 2, 2022

In response to the current developments in the Ukraine and in support of our invited member Ukraine, the UET Board has decided to suspend, with immediate effect, the participation of the representatives of the Russian Trotting Federation (CTA) in the work of the UET Commissions as well as the participation of representatives of Russia in all the competitions organised by UET, until a new decision.

On 12th March 2022, during its meeting at the Cagnes-sur-Mer racecourse (France), the UET Board will discuss the possibilities to submit to the UET General Assembly the exclusion of the Russian Trotting Federation as a UET member.

The President of the UET, Mrs Marjaana ALUVIUHKOLA, and the member countries of the UET Board assure Mr Alexander VOROBIY, President of the Owner’s Ukrainian Association of Trotters and all Ukrainian socio-professionals of her entire support.

Andra initiativ

Dessutom har tränare, hästägare och föreningar tagit egna initiativ för att visa sitt stöd för Ukraina. Ett exempel är den brittiska galopptränaren John Berry vars häst Turn Of Phrase tävlade i Ukrainas färger i måndags.

Om du vill stötta hjälparbetet i Ukraina så rekommenderar vi Röda Korsets insamling.

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